Nuget Package Manager Console Restore Command. Restore command (nuget cli) applies to: The pack , restore , delete , locals , and push commands.

Use the package manager console in visual studio (recommended) using nuget. The pack , restore , delete , locals , and push commands.
Restore Command (Nuget Cli) Applies To:
If you're using visual studio, first enable package restore as follows.
This Article Describes How To Find, Install, Update, And Uninstall Nuget Packages With Powershell Commands In The Package Manager Console.
The pack , restore , delete , locals , and push commands.
Package Authors Often Need To Reinstall.
Images References :
Where ` ` Is The Path To The Project File For Your Application.
Otherwise continue to the sections that follow.
Restore Command (Nuget Cli) Applies To:
To restore packages, run the following command:
To Use The Restore Nuget Packages Command, Open A Command Prompt Window And Navigate To The Directory Where Your Project Is Located.